Continue to strive for leading the semiconductor production technology.:Rokko Electronics Co., Ltd.

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High accuracy grinding polishing technologies MEMS process
knife-edged prevention backside grinding rokko electronics silicon
RCA cleaning process for paterned wafers polishing SiC sapphire
specialized grinder for sapphire and SiC inspection tools premium process
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Latest News
  2024/4/27 Rokko Electronics Building E has been completed and our company logo is now lit up.

  2024/3/20-22 Rokko Electronics Co., Ltd. will be exhibiting at SEMICON CHINA 2024. Booth number: N3121

  2024/1/31-2/2 Rokko Electronics Co., Ltd. will be exhibiting at SEMICON KOREA 2024.
Booth number: A104

  2023/12/13-15 Rokko Electronics Co., Ltd. will be exhibiting at SEMICON JAPAN 2023.
Booth number: 5102
Rokko Electronics Seminar ⇒ Date and time: 12/13 (Wed) 11:30-11:50
Location: Hall 5 (Stage in East Hall 5)

  2022/01/19-21 Rokko Electronics Co., Ltd. will exhibit at NEPCON JAPAN 2022
Booth number:26-42
Rokko Electronics Seminar⇒ Date and time:19th/Jan(Wed.)13:00-13:30
Place:East Hall 2 Product / Technology Seminar Venue by Exhibitors ②
  2021/12/28-30 Rokko Electronics Co., Ltd. will exhibit remotely from Japan at SEMICON TAIWAN 2021
Booth number: M1039

  2021/12/15-17 Rokko Electronics Co., Ltd. will exhibit at SEMICON JAPAN 2021
Booth number: 4505
Rokko Electronics Seminar⇒ Date and time:15th/Dec.(Wed.)11:30-12:15
Place:Exhibitor Seminar Room B (East Hall 4 Organizer Office)
  2021/10/12 Rokko Electronics Co., Ltd. has been certified asa Hyogo prefecture location promotion project and a Hyogo prefecture supply chain countermeasure project.
  2021/09/27 Rokko Electronics Co., Ltd. was selected for the 7th public offering of manufacturing / commercial / service productivity improvement promotion subsidies.
  2021/09/21-23 We exhibited at Sensors Converge Expo & Conference 2021 remotely from Japan.


  2021/08/31 Rokko Electronics Co., Ltd. has been adopted for"IT introduction subsidy 2021 type A".

  2021/07/2 Rokko Electronics Co., Ltd. has been selected as a subsidy for domestic investment promotion projects for supply chain measures.(second public offering)

  2021/04/30 Business continuity strengthening plan was approved by the Small and Medium Business Administration

  2021/01/20-22 We exhibited at Nepcon Japan 2021
This time, we exhibited a 4-inch SiC 5.5um grind-finished wafer using wafer support technology.

  2020/12/09-11 We exhibited at MEMS Sensing & Networksystem 2020
This time, we exhibited an 8-inch silicon 4.5um polished wafer using wafer support technology, which was also published in the electronic device newspaper 14th Jan.

  2020/06/26-29 SEMICON China 2020 We are exhibiting remotely.
We look forward to your visit.

  2020/11/16-18 Sensors Expo. 2020 SAN JOSE, CA The schedule has changed.
  26-29/06/2020 We are planning to exhibit at SEMICON China 2020
  22-24/06/2020 We are planning to exhibit at Sensors Expo. 2020 SAN JOSE, CA
  07/04/2020 Hyogo Prefecture, where the company is located, was put under the state of emergency declared by the Government of Japan.
However, as a “facility necessary to maintain social life”, we believe the company plays an important role in the semiconductor industry and its supply chain that support our society.
We hereby promise to continue our business.
We continue to prioritize the health of all employees and ensure that each employee will voluntarily make every effort “Not to be infected”, “Not to spread the virus” and “To continue the business”.

  15-17/01/2020 We exhibited at Nepcon  2020

  11-13/12/2019 We exhibited at Semicon Japan 2019

  18-20/09/2019 >We exhibited at SEMICON Taiwan 2019

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ROKKO Electronics co., ltd.
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